Welcome to Bird & Associates Psychological Services of Halifax

Providing individualized, evidence-based treatment in a kind and compassionate manner for children, adolescents, adults, couples and families.

In response to the threat of COVID-19, please be aware of the modifications that we have made to our practice. Our clients’ physical and mental health are important to us. That is why our clinicians are currently offering limited in person sessions and other means to deliver treatment to our clients such as over the phone sessions or confidential Telehealth Therapy. In person clients are asked to insure that they are not experiencing symptoms related to COVID prior to attending their appointments. We also ask that all of our clients kindly wear a mask upon entering our office. If you don't have a mask we are happy to provide one for you. Thank you for helping us keep everyone safe.

Please be advised that we are continuing to accept new clients at this time.

Our Services

The Bird & Associates Psychological Services team is happy to offer individual therapy and assessment options for adults and children as well as couples and family therapy. Please explore our service pages linked below to learn more about all that we have to offer.

Children & Adolescents

We love working with young people as they learn to name, accept, and process big, complex emotions, thoughts, and experiences. By working with children and teens to better understand and cope with these difficult situations, we create a population of resilient and flourishing adults who are better equipped to communicate effectively and lead more fulfilling lives.
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We know that life isn’t always easy. In fact, there are days it can be hard to get out of bed and put on “real” pants. Trust us. We do get it, and the good news is we also get how to help you make progress toward being the joyful and fulfilled person you deserve to be. During therapy sessions, we can help you balance your thinking, learn healthy emotional expression, and interact with the world around you in meaningful ways.
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Our intimate relationships offer us the support, comfort, and stability to live our lives to the fullest, so it’s no surprise that a struggling relationship can negatively impact all aspects of our daily experience. Whether you’re building a new relationship, healing after damage to your partnership, or you want to continue to grow together at any stage, couples therapy may be right for you.
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We all want to have families that work well together where all members of the family realize their essential role within the family unit and feel safe, supported, loved, and needed. Unfortunately, the daily “stuff” of life can get in the way of our efforts to create this idealistic family structure, and if one member of the family is struggling, everyone feels it. Creating and maintaining a happy, functional family takes work. However, we think that work is well worth the invested effort, and we can help to make this process a little easier.
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You may hear assessment called evaluation or testing. We prefer the term assessment because it most accurately describes how this service helps our clients. Evaluations and tests are terms that carry a connotation of judgement and the idea that there is a right or a wrong answer. Assessment is about gaining knowledge and understanding how something (in our case someone) works. We provide assessments for adults and children that create a complete picture of how the individual is functioning – strengths and weaknesses, so they are empowered to find resources and create a plan to succeed in all areas of their lives.
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We are Currently Accepting New Patients and Referrals

Bird & Associates Psychological Services of Halifax welcomes anyone who may be interested in booking an appointment or receiving more information about our therapeutic approach or services offered to contact our office.

Recent Blog Posts

Summer Dreaming!

It has been 1 year in March since we have moved to our new location and there is more then the sun to be excited about as we move into Summer. ...

We’re Moving!

On March 1st, Bird and Associates Psychological Services is moving to a new home. We have simply outgrown our current space and we would like to offer our cl ...

Online Therapy

Online Therapy

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